
Back to my house (quarantine)

After being two months in my family's house, I needed to be at home, I missed my friends, my neighbors, my job, in general I needed life in the city, I began to look for some type of transportation that could bring to the city, because due to the issue of the covid-19 the transport between the countryside and the city was very complicated, thanks destination I found a reliable transport that would bring me to the city, the trip was very complicated because the police had checkpoints to verify that no person entered the city with the covid-19, the good thing is that in all the tests they made me they were negative :), so now I can be with you;)

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About my quarantine

A few days before starting the quarantine, I traveled to visit my family because I had not seen them for a long time and I missed them very much; I love sharing with them;), what I had not planned was that the quarantine would begin in my country (Colombia), so my stay with them lasted much longer than expected :(, I was initially somewhat worried because I could not mobilize As far as I live and I had to stay with my family much longer than I had planned, although initially I did not like this idea, the days went by and I began to enjoy the company of my family and the memories we spent together , I remembered a lot my adolescence and the things that made me happy: I was able to ride a horse, walk in the countryside, breathe fresh air, see beautiful mountains and animals, I was fascinated by all this.

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